So today is the day I leave.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Africa and Me!

So since my departure from India I have entered the country of South Africa!

I was greeted by someone I can now call a friend, Tokyo Sexwale, such an incredible man!  He greeted me with open arms and a huge smile, I felt at home right away... too bad I only stayed the day.  When it was time to leave I got in the car with Arthur (driver) and headed to the Nelson Mandela museum.

We didn't have much time because it was getting dark soon but I loved the museum.  I learned so much about the history and continuing fight for the people of South Africa, some of the things I discovered were a bit appalling as well.

Heading to the sanctuary couldn't have been more exciting and surprising enough I didn't close my eyes once for a nap.  We headed down a red dirt road going through this gate and that, turning down one road and another till we were finally waiting outside the final gate.  On the other side of the gate I watched a white truck drive towards us, the gate opened and we loaded my belongings into the back of the truck, I said goodbye to Arthur and was headed towards my new home with Georgey.  He asked me questions about my favourite animals, music, food and all this stuff.  We drove for 10 minutes through the reserve, crossed a stream and passed a huge heard of blue wildebeest!  I kinda started jumping up and down in my seat and pointing, they look like the ones from the Lion King.  Finally we made it too my new home, The Old Trading Post, I was greeted by a bunch of dogs and among them was a chocolate lab who's name is Bailey.  Georgey and I carried my bags to my new and very luxurious room with four empty beds, I was left alone until I decided I should fill out some forms and actually meet people.  Right before I left my room I quickly glanced at the rule sheet in my room and at the bottom it read "Welcome to your home away from home.", that put a smile on my face and out I went to meet people.

There were only two other volunteers at the time and they leave when the new ones show up tomorrow.  I met the lion cubs who were rescued from a canned hunting operation, George and Yame,  they are brothers and George had a broken leg and Yame was suffering from cataracts...they are only six months old.  They are doing much better now and everyone is in love with them.  Due to the reasons they came here and because this sanctuary has a no cub policy I am not allowed to post pictures of them anywhere because there would a conflict with some nasty people and such.

That night I met Nicholas , a baby hyena, and as I was quietly reading a book he came up to me and got too close for comfort.  Before I knew he had bitten down on my arm and I was up on a table.  The next time he came around to get me I grabbed him by his scruff and pulled him to the ground.  He started yipping frantically and Jade, a ranger, said he was getting pissed off.  So I let go and jumped back onto the table and Nicholas went in the other direction and didn't show his face for the rest of the night.  I however was sprayed with all kinds of things because he had bitten down right over a vein that was bleeding a lot and had swollen into a goose egg.  The words tetanus and shot were used and I started saying no, no, no!  Luckily I didn't end up having to get one and my fast and awesome healing skills had me better within days after the bite.

I went to bed that night in my very hot room with the excitement for tomorrow and a welcoming wound from a hyena... how many people can say they've been bitten by a hyena?!... I can!!!

Thursday 5 March 2015

Day to Mussoori

You can't really tell but it is raining uncontrollably in these photos

The weekend after I arrived we all decided to go to Mussoori, which is up in the mountains.

The drive there was extremely long with lots of twists and turns in the road but the scenery became more beautiful the higher we drove.

Snow on the mountains!! Too far away to get to though.

Some of us stood on this platform to take photos during our bathroom break and when I went down to  get a different view I found out that the giant concrete slab I was standing on was supported like this.... scary stuff.

We did not go to town, first we stopped at this magnificent waterfall with big pools below it... but we decided to be rebellious and go up the falls instead of down.

The start of something awesome!

 When we got to a flattened off area we stopped to take in the beautiful scenery before us.  The sun seemed to just be coming over the mountains and catching the spray of this tiny waterfall here.  I had to climb to the top and that is exactly what I did.  Wasn't difficult at all and soon I was at the top waving to my new family down below, I must have made everyone curious because it wasn't long before I was joined by them.

Upon the top.

Something beautiful.

Different views of the waterfall

We climbed so far up that we came to a beautiful spot with a single tree managing to hold onto this rock island with its huge roots.  I got everyone to sit still long enough for a picture.  Marijah, Bastion, Lucy and Eliza sit around me.

We had to descend at one point and came to the last waterfall before the road and sat and had some lovely tea and pretended to be from some other part of the world.

This is my new fiancé Bastion

We made it to the markets and had something to eat as we were all starving, I chose butter masala paneer and it was the most amazing thing I've ever had.

We continued to hike up the mountain passing all these amazing wool shops and other various things before we came to a bottle shop.  After everyone had purchased a beer we continued to hike to the top of a mountain for the perfect view of everything.  We sat there drinking our beer until it was time to descend and go home.

Upon descent I felt a sudden sadness for my orphans wash over me and almost came to tears but everyone circled me and gave me the most amazing hug nd I felt much better and loved after that.

We were so happy to make it home and almost missed dinner.  I went to bed very happy and full.

Sunday 1 March 2015


In the morning I woke up in time to give everyone a hug before breakfast.  To no surprise I sat with Sita and when I told her that I was leaving while she was in school, her happy expression just shattered.  She did not eat breakfast that morning while I sat beside her trying to make her smile once again but to no prevail.  I told her I would walk her to school and finally she looked at me with big watery eyes and smiled, I almost started crying right there.  

I walk with as many of the kids as I could in the morning and watched another grand assembly of the students.  Every-time Rachna or Prianca came close to me for a hug I would start tearing up.  A few of the kids even gave me parting cards or something they had made in school, that too didn't help with concealing my tears.  Finally it was time to walk back home for the last time, when I made it to the courtyard all the older kids seemed to be waiting for me and Seema was standing there staring at me with sad eyes.  I instantly went for a hug and started crying and everyone else seemed to fall in for a group hug, the thing I was told the most was not to cry because I would see them again and to never forget them.

And so I showered/ bathed and finished packing my bags.  When all seemed in order I sat in the courtyard with Vickashe, Shoebum and Gautam, I told them how much I was going to miss them and bowed my head so they wouldn't see me cry.  Because they are such fools they started beat-boxing and rapping about me and the silly things they love me for, sure enough I started crying more because I love them so much.  They started poking me and Shoebum wrapped his arms around me and told me not to cry, I dried my eyes and started laughing with them.  We talked about me coming back and bringing my family here to meet everyone... it's a possibility I think.  I let the boys have my phone so they could take many photos of themselves, I didn't let my self tear up until the taxi would come.

My darling Shoebum

Me wearing mummy's glasses

Squeezing the ever so ticklish Gautam

Vickashe and Shoebum

Finally my taxi had to come and I went to fech my things, I cried walking up the stairs and zipping my bags closed until Seema came to help... and then Prianca and Rahcna showed up to help as well.  That would be the first time they have been in my room.  We carried my things downstairs and everyone that was left at home was in the courtyard waiting for me.  I gave everyone hugs and spared no tears, they couldn't be stopped even if I tried.  I promised everyone of my return and waved as the taxi drove away from my family and home... Never have I ever cried more during a car ride or in front of so many people.  The pain I felt leaving was just awful and it couldn't have hurt more to leave.  I eventually tired myself out from the crying and slept until I reached my next adventure.  I must say that I didn't do much the first day on the farm because I was so grief stricken and just stayed to me room.  Lucy however, is my new roommate and she is from Australia.  I liked her right away.  And so my first day leaving my babies came to an end.

What a great adventure I had with them and never will I forget how amazing they were and how I am changed because of them.

Friday 27 February 2015

Shivaratri Continued!

Shivaratri continued!

Seema-didi looking so beautiful!

Me in my new saree


My precious Sita

So perfect

Gautam and Mummy

Under that mass of flowers is a Lingum

Everyone offering flowers and leaves of sorts

I am taller than everyone here

Final prayer

My gorgeous Aadi and Brianca


My other mummy

Pinkie and Rachna

Another mummy wearing her incredible sarii

And to complete the day her is a perfect selfie of Brianca